Sunday, July 26, 2009


There are some people who need thanking.

First, above all, my wonderful sponsors for their donations - of money, of time, and of give-a-damn. Without you, I would have been blogging into the void. For all of your help and support, I thank you from the bottom of my very tired heart.

KT, my Blogathon monitor - and really, the whole Blogathon family - for being a tireless cheerleader and a great source of encouragement. It takes a lot of time and effort to bring together an entire community in just over a month, and they've put forth a PHENOMENAL effort.

My family, for coping with my yearly pre-Blogathon panic and fuss, and for all of their help with getting this year's theme off the ground - Maus for brainstorming the idea of a tasting menu to begin with, and the Monsters and Other Children for serving so competently as my Kitchen Crew. It is so gratifying that, even though the NKF is my "pet charity", the Blogathon event to support that charity is always a family effort. It means a lot to me.

And David, in whose honor I blog, for appointing himself my personal DJ as the evening turned to night turned to wee hours of the morning. It always has come down to us sharing music in the middle of the night, hasn't it? Some things never change.

Your support means the world to me. Thank you so much.


  1. Almost there! Huzzah! :-)

  2. you're welcome, dear :) and thank YOU in return for sponsoring me! :D
