Sunday, July 26, 2009


'cause if I'm supporting the National Kidney Foundation, then I ought to talk a little bit about kidney disease, and not just food and booze. But I promise, the next post will get back to food and booze!

Did you know...

-- 1 in 9 Americans suffers from Chronic Kidney Disease?

-- 26 million Americans have CKD and millions of others are at increased risk. Early detection can help prevent the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure.

-- Heart disease is the major cause of death for all people with CKD.

-- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best estimate of kidney function.

-- Hypertension causes CKD and CKD causes hypertension.

-- Persistent proteinuria (protein in the urine) means CKD is present.

-- High risk groups include those with diabetes, hypertension and family history of kidney disease.

-- African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and Seniors are at increased risk.

-- Three simple tests can detect CKD: blood pressure, urine albumin and serum creatinine.

Are you at risk? Do you think you could be? Then for the love of Mike, call your doc and get yourself checked out! Chronic kidney disease is not something you can ignore - failing kidneys can land you on dialysis, in the transplant ward (if there's a kidney available for you - some people die waiting for one), or worse. Don't put it off. Don't let it go.

Take care of yourself!


  1. I like your purple hair!

    Good post!

  2. If any of you reading this have recently been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease there is a lot of information on the internet. Too, the national Kidney Foundation has branches in many cities and has programs to help you understand how to try to delay dialysis or avoid it.

    Many GP's still do not understand the GFR numbers. Mine was one of them. When my tests showed it at 60 (60% functioning) she ignored it and it wasn't caught until another doctor ordered tests and it had dropped to 38%.

    Through diet and medication it has been fairly stable around 48% for the past three years. As there was little help and information where I live I went to the internet and found There most of my questions were answered, help with diet and support. I would urge anyone diagnosed or anyone in general to learn the basics.

    DaVita now has a wonderful menu plan where you can choose daily menus, modify them and all of the important numbers - protein, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, etc. are calculated for you. (No, I'm not affiliated with DaVita - but do credit them with helping me to take charge of my CKD and keeping it stable) so far).

    The one thing you need to understand during that period of disbelief, depression, uncertainty is that there is help, Learn to take charge of your own health on a daily basis, learn to read and understand your blood tests and eat accordingly and with the help of your medical team/nutritionist you may also delay the need for dialysis for many years, if not forever.

    The earlier you are diagnosed the better chance you have of making dietary/medication/personal changes that will avoid serious damage to your kidneys - ask your GP to include the GFR test at your next check up. It's better to know and take charge than to put your head in the sand and hope it will go away - beacuse it won't.
