Sunday, July 26, 2009

Good morning, and good night.

And so it ends, another Blogathon has come to a close.

Twenty-four hours. Forty-nine posts. A lot of food, fun...and exhaustion.

We stayed up late, and we made a difference - The Chef's Table raised $843 for the National Kidney Foundation, and the participants of Blogathon collectively raised more than $41,000 amongst all their charities! Amazing!

Love and brightest blessings to all of you. It's time to hang up my hat, so to speak.

Until next 'thon, I remain,

Missy, signing off.


  1. Goodnight, Missy. Y'all done good. *smooch*

  2. Hope you got some rest! This was really great and I saved several recipes.

  3. We made it! You did a great job!
