Saturday, July 25, 2009

Breakfast - Johnny Cakes from Evans Street Station

Located in adorable Tecumseh, Michigan, just within spitting distance of The Boulevard Market and Pentamere Winery, Evans Street Station specializes in fresh, local cuisine. It's one of my favorite places for dinner!

Chef Alan Merhar likes to include recipes in his monthly newsletter, and this one struck me as terrific for breakfast. According to the newsletter, these were thought to have originally been called Journey Cakes (they keep pretty well), and have also been referred to as Shawnee cakes. Either way, they're a snap!


1/2 cup flour
1 cup cornmeal
1 to 2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup hot milk
1 tablespoon shortening

How To:

Mix the dry ingredients together, then stir in the remaining ingredients. (I cheat and use the stand mixer. It's more efficient.) Pour onto a hot, greased griddle or skillet, and fry both sides until they're golden brown.

Serve with butter and maple syrup for a filling breakfast:


  1. I think that you have made me want pancakes. I don't eat pancakes.

  2. Mmmm.

    Go you! *smooch*
